Thank you to the Tamworth Region Business Community members who attended the Business Update event held at Tamworth Town Hall on Wednesday, 10 November 2021.

Hosted by Tamworth Regional Council and the Tamworth Business Chamber, the event aimed to inform and ready the region's business community for a prosperous January.

The key discussion points from the event include:

  • Accommodation providers are reporting strong bookings.
  • Entertainment Venues is seeing ticket sales up over 20% on sales at the same time in 2020, with a large portion of ticket sales across venues in general are from a NSW audience.
  • The Tamworth region has seen increased visitation, in particular from metropolitan Sydney, outside of locked-down periods.
  • Business across the broader Tamworth region should be prepared to welcome more visitors as they explore further afield than they have previously.
  • Festival and event organisers will have a clearer idea of what restrictions will be in place under the Public Health Order when NSW opens up further from 15 December, 2021.

Speakers included Stephanie Cameron (Tamworth Business Chamber), Barry Harley (Toyota Country Music Festival, Tamworth), Peter Ross (Entertainment Venues), Rod Laing (Wests Entertainment Group), Craig Power (The Pub Group), Prue Simson (Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre), Daine Cooper (Powerhouse Hotel Tamworth by Rydges), Kate Baker (Tamworth Regional Council) and MC Jacqueline O’Neill (Tamworth Regional Council).

“What was clear last night was that we have a resilient and agile business community, who are excited about the opportunities that the festival brings to the region,” said Jacqueline O’Neill, Director of Growth & Prosperity at Tamworth Regional Council.

“Attendees left with the knowledge that we are 100% ready for a festival that is 100% on, and the 50th festival is going to be the best yet!”

Unfortunately, representatives from Hunter New England Population Health were unable to attend in-person. They instead sent a message from Dr David Durrheim, Public Health Controller and Public Health Physician, which you can view below.

Members of the business community are invited to contact should they have any questions regarding this presentation.

Message from Dr David Durrheim

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Jacqueline O'Neill

Director, Growth & Prosperity

John Sommerlad

Commercial Director - Aviation, Events & Projects

Barry Harley

Manager, Events

Peter Ross

Manager - Entertainment Venues

Prue Simson

Manager - AELEC Precinct

Kate Baker

Coordinator, Visitor Economy

Karina Tyler

Economic Development Officer

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