Community Strategic Planning

The community has told us what is important to them, what makes our region a great place to live and what priorities they want Council to work on. This information, along with local government best practise principles and expert advice, resulted in the development of our Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

A 10-year plan, commencing in 2017 the CSP is in its third year. Each year, we engage with the community to understand what priorities are important to them under the key directions, report back what we have achieved and scheduled the following year's activities.

The CSP and each AOP have five key directions.

Strategies are developed under the five key directions providing the operational mechanism, vision, objectives and measures to achieve the objectives of the Plan.

2019/20 Annual Operational Plan

The 2019-20 Annual Operational Plan features some key economic enablers that are part of our long term strategic planning such as the Northern Inland Centre of Sporting Excellence Stage 2 development. The document was on public exhibition for 30 days with submissions now being collated to be presented to Council for consideration.

If you provided feedback thank you.

Key Directions

Our Vision

Our Strategic Planning Framework

Our Strategic Framework

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