The purpose of this Planning Proposal is to amend the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (TRLEP 2010), in relation to the lands identified as the Arcadia Estate, Tamworth, to achieve a land use planning outcome which aligns with Council's Blueprint 100 strategy and the future growth of the Tamworth region. This Planning Proposal will be on public exhibition from Monday, 14 March, 2022.
It is important to implement suitable land use planning controls which facilitate the effective use of the land by promoting housing diversity, high quality urban design, green spaces and adequate commercial facilities to meet the demands of future residents.
The proposal will be exhibited for a period of one month, closing at 4pm on Thursday 14 April, 2022. Letters have been sent to property owners within the Arcadia Estate's vicinity who may have an interest in this project.
From the exhibition opening, information can also be found in the Public Notices section of Council's website.
This Planning Proposal is on public exhibition alongside draft site-specific development controls for the Arcadia Estate and proposed change to the Tamworth Regional Development Control Plan 2010 (TRDCP 2010). You can learn more about this project here.
Planning Proposal Background
The subject site is located in the southern extent of the suburb of Hillvue, Tamworth and is identified as a key future residential release area in the New England North West Regional Plan 2036, Blueprint 100 Part 1 and Blueprint 100 Part 2 which is the Tamworth Regional Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2020.
The Arcadia Estate was identified as having potential for future residential development during the strategic planning process associated with the South Tamworth Rural Lands Masterplan 2012. The Arcadia site was considered appropriate for rezoning in order to facilitate the development of approximately 1,670 residential lots ranging from 600m2 to 4,000m2 and a neighbourhood centre. The site was rezoned by the publication of Amendment No.12 to the TRLEP 2010 on the NSW Legislation website on 27 October, 2017.
The current minimum lot size and zoning has the potential to restrict the availability of high-quality residential land within proximity to the Tamworth CBD. This is important when considering the impact of urban sprawl, future population growth and capital cost associated with the provision of infrastructure.
Council initiated additional investigations and workshops with the land owners and stakeholders to develop a structure plan which addresses housing diversity, stormwater management, road and subdivision design and dwelling density targets. The development of a structure plan has been the catalyst for this planning proposal.
About the Arcadia Estate Planning Proposal
The planning proposal aims to increase housing choice, standardise and align minimum lot size and residential density controls and support the delivery of infrastructure. In summary, the amendments proposed to the TRLEP 2010, via the planning proposal, are:
Key Changes Minimum Lot Size
The reduction to a 450m2 minimum lot size is not insignificant, and a considerable amount of investigations have occurred in implementing the minimum lot size across a greenfield site. The intent of the 450m2 minimum lot size is to provide flexibility for developers whilst ensuring housing diversity targets are achieved via the implementation of a minimum density and maximum lot yield requirement. This will ensure a variety of lot sizes and housing types are developed to cater for the growing needs of the community. Density The planning proposal seeks to include a new provision requiring a minimum net residential density of dwellings per hectare to be implemented across the site. A target of 10 dwellings per hectare has been proposed. Based on a net residential density which excludes open space, easements and drainage corridors, this equates to a minimum yield of approximately of 2,350 dwellings across the subject site. Dwelling density targets are important to provide certainty for appropriate infrastructure delivery and effective utilisation of available high-quality residential land. The proposed density could be achieved by a range of lot sizes from 800m2 down to 450m2, complemented by some dual occupancy, integrated medium density housing and seniors living development. A dwelling density target aims to promote the development of a mixture of housing typology and lot sizes while ensuring lot yield is aligned with infrastructure provisioning. The density target will be enforced by a new clause and a dwelling density map in the TRLEP 2010. A new definition in the standard instrument will be included defining “density” in the context of development. Restricted Lot Yield The planning proposal seeks to include a new provision restricting the maximum number of standard dwellings/lots based on the capacity of downstream infrastructure. A maximum of 2,350 standard dwellings/lots will be catered for in Arcadia Estate with a split of 1,500 dwellings/lots (Arcadia West) and 850 dwellings/lots (Arcadia East) either side of Burkes Gully. In company with the proposed minimum density provisions above, the intent is to provide a mixture of housing and lot size choices while ensuring lot yield is controlled in a manner which aligns with the infrastructure availability. The restricted lot yield will be enforced by a new clause and a restricted lot yield map in the TRLEP 2010.