Project background

Council is constructing sewer and water trunk mains to service the Arcadia development located in the Hillvue area of Tamworth, which facilitates the provision of more diverse and affordable housing to the Tamworth region.

Construction of the sewer and water trunk mains will be undertaken in two stages:

  • Stage 1 – Construction of Sewer & Water Trunk mains along Duri Road to service the South Western portion of the Arcadia Development.
  • Stage 2 – Construction of Sewer & Water Trunk mains in Bylong Rd, Warwick Rd & Darien Avenue to link existing water & sewer infrastructure and service the Northern/Eastern portion of the Arcadia Development.
Stage 1 includes the construction of approximately 1400 m of Water Trunk Mains and 1000 m of Sewer Trunk Mains to the property boundary of the Arcadia development.

The construction of the works is fully funded by Tamworth Regional Council from a combination of Developer Contributions and Water & Sewer Reserves. The Stage 1 works will be over $2.4 million, and when Stage 2 is undertaken in the future it is anticipated to be a further $3 million worth of works.

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Ian Cross

Senior Project Engineer

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