Why are we doing this?
Creating durable water infrastructure is a key theme of Council's Blueprint 100 plan. Additional water storage at Hills Plains area has been identified as a priority considering recent growth and development in the area.
What is happening?
Council is currently constructing a pipeline and reservoir at Peppercorn Lane (previously known as Bournes Lane).
The Peppercorn Lane reservoir project consists of three phases: road improvements, construction of a 10 megalitre reservoir and pipeline, and a new booster pump station. With the road improvements complete, the construction of the reservoir on the Council-owned site will now begin.
Work will take place during weekdays (Monday to Friday) between 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Residents may notice an increase in the number of heavy vehicles on the road as the works are completed. We ask that local residents please take extra care when sharing roads with heavy vehicles.
Creating durable water infrastructure is a key theme of Council’s Blueprint 100 strategy, and this $4.9 million project will help support future population growth in the Hills Plain area.