A new dual lane five-way roundabout has been constructed at the intersection of Oxley Highway, New Winton Road and Country Road at Westdale. It enables access to the Tamworth Global Gateway Park to the north of the intersection and to the Hunter Land project known as Tamworth Business Park to the south. It also includes a realignment of New Winton Road to provide access to the highway at the new roundabout, allowing the existing T-intersection to be closed. The roundabout can be used by all vehicles up to a B-triple in size.
The roundabout is a critical link for the wider scope of work to activate the Global Gateway Park and the Intermodal Freight Rail Terminal.
The roundabout is also the anchor point for the proposed future southern bypass which will link the Oxley Highway with the New England Highway using Country Road and Burgmanns Lane.
The total project cost is $9.543 million with the NSW Government investing $4,056,700 through its Growing Local Economies Program, the Australian Government is contributing $4,532,000 through its Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program and Tamworth Regional Council providing a contribution of $954,300.
Safety improvements
The roundabout improves road safety along the Oxley Highway at the two existing T-intersections, New Winton Road and Country Road. This improvement is achieved through combining the number of intersections on the Oxley Highway, a safer and more efficient intersection suited to the volume of vehicles that will travel through it once the industrial developments are completed, adequate size to allow use by heavy vehicles up to B-Triple in size, dual lanes to separate turning vehicles from through vehicles.
Realignment of New Winton Road leading to the Tamworth Regional Airport to intersect with the Oxley Highway at the roundabout eliminates the need for a second intersection with the highway and improves the road by eliminating the curves. Dual lanes are provided on the approach to the roundabout to allow for a future increase in the number of freight vehicles, growth in the traffic volumes to the airport and the creation of heavy industry blocks either side of New Winton Road.
Timeline item 1 - complete
70% Reduction in fatalities
Timeline item 2 - complete
36% Reduction in injuries
Timeline item 3 - complete
21% Reduction in vehicle & property damage