Project background

This $1.5 million project aims to firstly improve the water service to the Tamworth Base Hospital, a critical customer, and then the road surface in Dean Street will be upgraded.

The water main replacement and relocation was part of Council's Strategic Asset Renewal Program. The main in Dean Street has had a history of breaks and leaks in recent years.

Once the street has the new permanent asphalt surface applied it will provide a smoother and safer ride for all road users.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Johnston Street Water Main Early Works

    Starting Monday 8 February, 2021

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Water Main Replacement - Start of Works

    Work commencing Tuesday 16 February, 2021, along Dean and Johnston streets.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Water Main Replacement - End of Works

    Completed January 2022.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Nightworks - Dean Street

    June 28 and 29, 2022 - 6pm to 5am.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Dean Street - Piper to Marius streets

    Going ahead on 5 and 7July, 2022 between 7am and 5pm. Weather permitting.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Dean Street from Johnston to Piper streets

    Postponed from July 2 and 3 due to forecast wet weather - now planned for Saturday July 9 and Sunday July 10 between 7am and 5pm.

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Dean Street - final seal

    A top seal to Dean Street from the northern end near BreastScreen NSW to Marius Street will be completed on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 July.

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    Project completion

    Finishing works including line marking and installation of concrete median near Tamara Private Hospital to be completed in August 2022

Road access changes

Following the relocation and replacement of the water main in Dean Street in 2021, Council will complete the project in July-August 2022 with an upgrade to the roadway.

A new permanent asphalt surface will be applied to the roadway between Marius Street and north to the roundabout which provides the main vehicle access to the hospital (near Breastscreen NSW).

The first stage was done as nightworks at the end of June, 2022. Please see the timeline on this page for specific details. The work was expected to take several weeks to complete (weather permitting) and will be done in three sections followed by the application of a top seal across all three sections of the street.

There may be times when drivers could experience short delays. Any drivers who are able to avoid using Dean Street should do so.

There will be changes to traffic conditions while works are taking place and there may be occasions where residents will be unable to park out the front of their property. However, Council will make every effort to minimise any disruptions.

When travelling on Dean Street during this time please take extra care and pay attention to all traffic control signage in place.

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