New fee to accept grease arrestor waste at the Wastewater Treatment Plant disposal facility from outside the Tamworth Regional Council area

Notice is herby given that Council at its Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday, 26 November 2019 has endorsed a proposal to accept grease arrestor waste at the Tamworth Wastewater Treatment Plant Disposal Facility from outside the TRC area at a higher cost than waste generated locally.

The proposed fee is

Grease arrestor waste collected from outside the TRC area. $270.00 per kL GST NA

All transporters must have Category S Trade Waste approval from TRC. Waste collections must be pre-approved by TRC

The Council Report & Minutes from the meeting held 26 November can be reviewed in Council’s Customer Service Section, Ray Walsh House, Peel Street, Tamworth, between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday or on Councils website

Public comments in writing are invited in respect to the “Proposed fee to accept grease arrestor waste from outside the TRC area” and must be submitted no later than 4:00pm on Friday 17 January 2020.

Document on Public Exhibition Feedback Form - Grease Trap Waste Management SF1226

Please note that all feedback must be received by the advertised time and date. You can complete this online form now or mail a written response to the General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, Po Box 555, Tamworth 2340.
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