The Draft Tamworth Regional Youth Strategy and Action Plan was on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from 29 November to 27 December 2023 for community feedback.
The document will help guide how Tamworth Regional Council, local services providers, schools, clubs and government departments build a region that supports young people.
The draft strategy is based on what we have heard from the community and has been designed around five key focus areas including life ready, wellbeing, access and connectivity, community and identity. Each focus area has its own set of priorities and actions which will guide the delivery of prioritised youth related initiatives.
Action Plan
The Youth Strategy Action Plan has five focus areas that each have priorities and actions. The focus areas come from extensive consultation across regional NSW, with the focus areas then adapted for the Tamworth region.
The actions and priorities have been written to directly reflect the voices we heard in the consultation, from Tamworth's young people and the services that work to support them.
We heard back from 513 young people and 11 adults as part of the survey consultation.