Was your business impacted by the drought?
The Economic Benefits of a More Reliable Water Supply for Tamworth project is being undertaken in partnership with the Regional Australia Institute (RAI) and CSIRO. It will model and analyse primary and secondary data to understand the impacts of drought on business and industry in the Tamworth Regional Local Government Area for the period 2017 to 2020.
The project will identify the impact of the drought and associated water restrictions on the broader livability of the Tamworth region, and the subsequent impacts on population growth. There is also a desire to gain an understanding of the impacts of how the drought is perceived in and outside of the region, particularly in terms of attraction and investment.
Finally, the project will consider the potential future impacts of the drought, and associated water supply levels and water restrictions if drought conditions persisted in the Tamworth region. This includes the impacts of:
- Continued enforced reduction in business water use
- Enforced reduction in hours of operation for businesses due to the lack of water, and
- The closure of businesses on the local economy.
You were invited to participate in a survey for the project. The survey asked you to share your experiences, thoughts and ideas about the impacts of drought and the associated water restrictions on the Tamworth Regional Local Government Area for the period 2017 to 2020. The information will be used in modelling, analysis and reporting for the Economic Benefits of a More Reliable Water Supply for Tamworth project.
The survey was open from 22 March to 20 May 2022 and has now closed.
The Participant Information Sheet provides further information about the study and how your privacy will be protected.
Final report
Council received and noted the Economic benefits of a more reliable water supply for Tamworth study by the Regional Australia Institute in partnership with the CSIRO. The report details the economic impact of the 2017-2020 drought on value added in the Tamworth region. The study found that the drought was slightly less than a 1 in 100 year event.
The drought caused a 2.1% contraction in regional economic output – approximately $70 million less value added generated in 2020 than in 2016. Council has previously relied on anecdotal evidence, this report provides greater detail and reliability into the economic impacts of the 2017-2020 drought on the regional economy. Moving forward, this report will provide greater insight for Council when making decisions and leveraging other levels of Government on water projects and sustainability.