Campaign Overview

We have received NSW and Commonwealth Government funding from the Bushfire Community Resilience and Economic Recovery Fund to conduct a bush fire community resilience program.

The following areas are the main focus due to their unique fire risk;

  • Hanging Rock
  • Stirling Road, Moore Creek
  • Pindari Estate
  • East Tamworth
  • Mt Lindsay

Our vision is to strengthen fire safety processes in these areas, by helping residents become actively aware and engaged in their local fire safety plan.

Fire danger electronic signs

As part of the bushfire campaign we installed four electronic fire danger signs to help the community stay up to date with the current fire levels and warnings.

This will also save time for the RFS volunteers who in the past had to manually change the signs each time the danger levels changed and this was often not possible during peak fire season.

The new signs are located at the entrances to Tamworth as shown on the map below.

Is your property prepared for this bushfire season?

With the bushfire season already started now is the time to have a look around the garden, including keeping lawns and gardens well maintained; cleaning up fallen leaves, twigs and debris around the property, cutting back trees and shrubs overhanging buildings and cleaning gutters.

Being aware and prepared is everyone’s responsibility.

This year, we want every home in the Tamworth region to have a bushfire survival plan. Here's how...

Last bush fire season taught us some terrifying lessons about the importance of being prepared and having a plan.

You can make your plan online in as little as five minutes at or you can sit down with your family and discuss what you will do using our guide to making a bush fire survival plan.

Thank you to everyone that entered the Win a Day as a Firefighter competition

The proud winners of our ‘Win a day as a firefighter’ competition plus a friend had a great day at Kootingal RFS station.

On Sunday, along with their plus ones, they got to go for a ride in the fire engines, press all the buttons on the trucks, use the fire hoses, try on the teams new respirators and tanks, and learn the ins and outs of all things firefighting.

A massive thank you goes to Kendall, Allen and Graham from the Kootingal RFS for showing the kids the ropes!

The Bushfire Recovery, Resilience and Readiness campaign will conclude on Friday with an afternoon tea at Hanging Rock.