
Feedback is being sought from local industry and community members about Council’s draft On-Site Wastewater Management Plan.

The draft plan complements an existing plan from 2014 and aims to minimise environmental, public health and economic risks associated with the assessment and installation of on-site wastewater management systems in the region.

Consultation about the draft plan will focus on developers, plumbers and installers of wastewater systems, planning and other technical consultants and also property owners. Community members can also view the draft plan on this page make comment using our online feedback form.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the public exhibition.

About the draft plan

The plan aims to give users a framework that:

  • provides an easy-to-understand rating method that identifies the physical limitations to treatment and application of wastewater at an individual allotment scale;
  • captures all types of development including domestic, non-domestic, subdivisions and land re-zoning;
  • requires a level of land capability assessment that is equivalent to the level of determined risk;
  • acts as a planning tool to allow for proper consideration of wastewater servicing requirements for unsewered development;
  • gives strong guidance for decision making on the level of assessment required for land capability evaluations; and
  • gives all users guidance on the selection, design and construction of on-site wastewater systems.