
Constructing a new shared path on Kent Street was identified as a priority to provide a link between residential areas of South Tamworth and nearby recreational facilities such as the Tamworth Golf Course, South and West Tamworth War Memorial Swimming Pool and West Tamworth League Club.

1.76km of shared path has been constructed between Duri Road and Goonoo Goonoo Road. The path has been constructed on the north side of Kent Street from Duri Road to Scully Park, before crossing to the southern side of the road and continuing on until it meets Goonoo Goonoo Road.


This project is part of Tamworth’s Active Transport Strategy, a key part of the Tamworth Integrated Transport Masterplan within Blueprint 100, which aims to make it easier for more local residents to walk or cycle around our city.

A key goal of the Active Transport Strategy is to improve access to recreational facilities, like the golf course, Scully Park and the public swimming pool on Kent Street. Local residents and kids attending Tamworth South Public School will now be able to safely and easily walk or cycle to these amenities.

This path will provide a link between existing paths in our active transport network, and help our residents lead a healthy lifestyle.

Completed Kent St path

Completed Kent St path

Costs and funding

The Kent Street Shared Pathway has been funded by the NSW Government’s Walking and Cycling (Active Transport) Program, with $851,200 allocated to the project.