
New opening hours for Manilla pool to be trialled

10 October 2022

Following community requests, new early morning swimming opening hours will be trialled at the Manilla Memorial Swimming Pool in November and December, with the pool to operate for its usual hours in October while the weather warms up.

The Manilla Memorial Swimming Pool is expected to open over the coming week after taking longer than expected to fill due to water flow issues as a result of the two recent floods in Manilla. The pool is now full and the water will take a week to balance and meet public health standards.

Last month Manilla pool users and residents were asked to provide feedback on some alternative opening hours after a number of pool users expressed interest in having early morning opening hours for fitness swimming.

The majority of respondents supported changing the open hours to accommodate early morning swimming with most of them wanting Tuesday and Thursday to be the early opening days.

The pool’s October opening hours will remain the same as past years being Tuesday to Sunday from noon to 6pm.

The revised hours will be trialled in November and December. They will be:

Monday Closed Tuesday 6.30am-8.30am and 2pm-6pm Wednesday 12pm-6pm Thursday 6.30am-8.30am and 2pm-6pm Friday 12pm-6pm Saturday 12pm-6pm Sunday 12pm-6pm

Council’s Manager Sport and Recreation Paul Kelly said: “We have heard the community’s wishers and are pleased to have a spread of hours to accommodate all needs of regular pool users and encourage Manilla residents to make use of our great local aquatic facility”.