
Design in progress

3 August 2020

The design work for the new bridge across the Namoi River and the associated roadworks have progressed significantly over the past few months.

As the new road is intended to become the new alignment for Main Road 63 (Fossickers Way), Transport for NSW will be the applicable roads authority. As such, the design of the new bridge and road approaches are being prepared in accordance with Transport for NSW requirements with design work completed on local roads in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council’s requirements.

During the design process, key design elements have been completed with the help of expert external consultants – the main areas being;

  • Flood impact
    • The new bridge and road approaches have been modelled by a specialist hydrology consultant for storm events up to a 2000 year event.
    • The 100 year flood level has reduced significantly since the construction of Split Rock Dam.
    • The modelling has shown that the bridge has a negligible impact on the increase in 100 year flood levels in the surrounding areas.
    • The bridge and road approaches have been found to be trafficable for the 100 year flood event. This is the reason for the project name having been changed from the Manilla Low Level Crossing.
  • Noise impacts of the road in operation
    • Similarly to flooding, the impact to residents along the new road alignment, when the road is completed and open to traffic, has been modelled by a specialist consultant – a specialist in acoustics and noise modelling for infrastructure projects.
    • A computer model was created by the consultant to identify the existing and predicted future noise levels along the new route. Noise loggers were used at several locations to verify and validate the model accurately predicts the existing noise levels to give confidence in the future noise level predictions.
    • The criteria used for the assessment of whether homes required noise mitigation measures is the NSW Road Noise Policy (EPA, 2011). The modelling has identified several properties that require noise mitigation works under the At Home Noise Treatment program.
    • Properties not part of this program have been shown to not require noise mitigation as per the NSW Road Noise Policy (EPA, 2011).
  • Environmental assessment
    • To access the environmental impact of the project, a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) has been prepared by a group of specialist consultants.
    • The preparation of an REF is in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.
    • The REF makes an assessment of the ecological, cultural, planning, legislative, and noise impacts of the project, with control measures nominated for implementation as required.
    • No major environmental constraints were identified within the REF.
  • Speed limits
    • A 60km/hr speed limit has been nominated for the new road between the new bridge and Charles Street. Other sections of the road will be at 50km/hr. A markup of these areas is provided below.
    • Appropriate speed limits are determined as per the NSW Speed Zoning Guidelines (Transport for NSW, 2011) and are ultimately selected by Transport for NSW.
Route for new bridge

For those interested in the proposed appearance of the new bridge, the designer has prepared an indicative 3D sketch of the structure. Details may change as the design progresses.

Bridge design