
Namoi River Crossing June 2021 Update

7 June 2021

The construction of the concrete deck for the new bridge has commenced and should be completed within three weeks (mid-July). The bridge's construction is currently on track, and is expected to be completed around August 2021, weather permitting.

The roadworks associated with the new Namoi River Crossing are also progressing well, with the roadworks on the north side now 95% complete. A hydro-mulch mixture with grass seed has been used on the sides of the new road in some areas to ensure that the visual impact of the works is quickly reduced. The fluro-green colour of the spray will fade shortly as the grass begins to grow. Council will be back onsite in July to complete the final works on this section of road.

The roadworks south of the new bridge will also be undertaken in July to align with the completion of the bridge and opening to traffic in late August / early September.