Delivering services and infrastructure for the region
Each year Council invites community feedback on Our Annual Plan and Budget 2024/25 which guides our community activities, projects and services we plan to deliver in the coming financial year.
Our Annual Plan and Budget 2024/25 is different from previous years because of the Special Variation recently approved by IPART. If implemented by Council in June the increase will start 1 July 2024.
The Plan includes two financial scenarios:
- Special Variation Budget based on a rate rise of 18.5% (13.6% increase and 4.9% rate peg). This will enable Council to continue to deliver the services and projects our community has told us they want and need.
- Base case budget if Council does not implement the Special Variation, limiting the rise of rates income to the annual rate peg of 4.9% for 2024/25 this would result in Council not being able to deliver the projects identified to address key areas of asset backlog, particularly roads.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft plans.