A new Council will be elected later this year. Be involved in setting the direction for the new Councillors. What would you like them to focus on?

Our Community Plan is a community owned plan for the future of the Tamworth region. Community input is crucial to helping achieve our goal of creating a world-class regional centre, a great place to live, to work, to study and to visit. The Local Government Act (1993) and Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework requires that each Council prepare a Community Strategic Plan covering a minimum ten-year period, reviewed every four years.

Our Community Plan 2023-2033 is aligned with Blueprint 100 and its current themes;

  • Deliver durable infrastructure including raw water
  • Facilitate smart growth and housing choices
  • Create a prosperous region
  • Build resilient communities
  • Connect our region and its citizens
  • Design with nature
  • Celebrate our culture and heritage
  • Strengthen our proud identity

Prior to the draft Community Strategic Plan being created there was a community survey conducted by Informed Decisions to determine what is important to the community. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey.