Do you want to know...

  • how Council plans to spend money in the next 12 months?
  • what you could be charged to hire a Council owned facility?
  • any changes compared to last years fees and charges?

Rates are a key source of income for Council, but not the only one. You can learn more about Rates and Charges through the Rates FAQs.

The draft plan was adopted by Council on 28 June, 2022. You can view the adopted plan here

Your Plan - Get Involved

We have made it simple for you to leave feedback, you can do this by providing feedback below.

You are also welcome to make a formal submission by post addressed to the General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, PO Box 555, Tamworth NSW 2340. Please reference Draft Community Strategic Plan.

The draft plan will be available to view and comment until Tuesday 7 June, 2022.