Strategy adopted

Improved turnover of on-street parking spaces along with the addition of about 200 more free off-street all-day parking spaces in the Tamworth CBD are just two of the benefits drivers can expect after Councillors formally endorsed the Tamworth Regional Parking Strategy at the 11 February 2025 Ordinary Meeting.

The strategy aims to increase the availability of different types of parking to meet the needs of drivers across the region. It includes a mix of free and paid parking as well as different periods of timed parking, parking for people with a disability and long vehicle parking.

The first strategy actions are expected to be put into effect in a matter of months while the introduction of meter parking in Tamworth’s Peel Street is expected in the second half of 2025.

It's a journey which started in August 2023 with the first of two community feedback opportunities. To all those community members who had their say to help shape the strategy, thank you.


In 2020, and prior to the official release of Blueprint 100, we produced the Tamworth CBD Parking Strategy 2020-2030. A key action from this strategy was to "review the Tamworth CBD Parking Strategy at least every 3-4 years to ensure the strategic direction and align actions with Council's Community Strategic Plan."

To ensure the strategy meets the needs of our growing community, we have been updating the strategy based on community feedback to date, and better alignment with industry best parking practices. These updates include extending the focus area from the Tamworth CBD to cover our towns and villages, as well as the Sports and Entertainment Precinct and Bridge Street (West Tamworth).

Other factors for updating the strategy include:

  • the rising number of car ownership across the region;
  • the increasing use of electric vehicles;
  • an ageing population; and
  • various development projects planned within the region.

The responses to a community survey about parking undertaken late in 2023 was the starting point for development of the draft strategy.

The draft is now on public exhibition to give drivers and residents the opportunity to give further feedback and guide the final steps of the strategy's development before it is considered by Councillors for adoption before the end of 2024.

Submissions have now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.