New plan for delivery of Rangari Road upgrade - 6 July 2022

Tamworth Regional Mayor Russell Webb has welcomed the announcement the NSW Government will take over the sealing and widening of Rangari Road. “It’s a great outcome for all drivers who use Rangari Road to be assured the road will be sealed,’’ he said. “Secondly it’s good to know that our Council and our ratepayers will not be at risk financially from any shortfalls in State Government funding for this important project which has been talked about since 2019 when the Member for Tamworth promised in his election campaign to get the upgrade done.” Following the NSW Government’s budget announcement on 21 June 2022, Tamworth Regional Council and Gunnedah Shire Council jointly contacted Transport for NSW asking them to provide a pathway forward due to the funding shortfall for the Rangari Road upgrade. A further $3.3 million was then committed by the NSW Government, however it was insufficient to deliver the project in full. “Both Tamworth Regional Council and Gunnedah Shire Council have been waiting a week to hear from the NSW Government about how it will move forward – now we have our answer,” Cr Webb said.


Rangari Road is an unsealed road which provides a link between Manilla and Boggabri, with over 100 cars and trucks using the road daily. The unsealed road is prone to potholes and corrugation.

As a result, Rangari Rd will be widened and sealed from 3.8kms east of the Gunnedah / Tamworth LGA boundary through to the end of the Gunnedah / Narrabri LGA boundary.

The works will improve the safety and driving conditions of Rangari Road, which provides an important link between Manilla and Boggabri used frequently by local residents.

Upgrading Rangari Road will ensure both Tamworth and Gunnedah local councils maintain the integrity and efficiency of their road networks and will result in a safer, smoother route between Manilla and Boggabri for local residents.


This project has received joint funding from the NSW Government, Gunnedah Shire Council and Tamworth Regional Council with contributions to the project so far including $12,030,305 from the NSW Government ($9,000,000 from the NSW Accelerated Regional Road Program, $1,430,305 from the NSW Resources for Regions (Gunnedah Shire Council) and $1,600,000 NSW Election Commitments), as well as $663,333 contributed by Tamworth Regional Council.

This project is one of 12 regional road projects to receive a funding boost as part of the NSW Government’s $3 billion stimulus package announced in 2020. This funding is helping regional communities bounce back from the impacts of recent natural disasters like bushfires and floods as well as the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.