
As part of the Council’s goal to encourage Tamworth residents to walk or cycle more frequently when travelling around our city, additional shared pathways linking recreational facilities to nearby residential areas was identified as a priority for our community.

The proposed installation of a shared path along Greg Norman Drive and Warwick Road is one of many identified in Council’s adopted Active Transport Strategy, which was on community consultation from 20 April - 18 May 2021 and adopted on 27 July 2021. The Active Transport Strategy aims to create links in the active transport infrastructure around Tamworth which allows residents to safely walk and cycle around our city, reducing traffic congestion and improving community health and wellbeing as Tamworth grows.

Greg Norman Drive and Warwick Road has been identified as a key route to link the growing Hillvue residential areas with the rest of Tamworth’s shared path and cycleway network.

However, following the recent consultation period with local residents, the construction of the Warwick Road portion of the shared path has been postponed to allow items raised to be adequately considered and addressed.

The Greg Norman Drive shared path has been completed from the Tamworth Regional Entertainment and Conference Centre (TRECC) as far as the Edward Street roundabout on the south side of Greg Norman Drive, as planned.

Completed path


These new shared paths have been made possible by the NSW Government’s $3.284 million Walking and Cycling Program developed in mid-2018. Walking and Cycling is comprised of a three-year plan to complete most of the “missing links” in our existing cycling network, with sites determined following community consultation.