
Feedback is being sought from property owners and community members about Council’s draft On-Site Sewage Management (OSSM) Operational Strategy.

The draft strategy has been developed to ensure that the potential environmental and public health risks associated with the operation of OSSM systems are sustainably managed across the Tamworth Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA). The Strategy is aligned with Council’s On-Site Wastewater Management Plan (OWMP), which details the design and installation requirements for new and altered OSSM systems within the LGA.

This Strategy uses a risk-based criteria to determine an appropriate inspection frequency for OSSM systems, to ensure their continued compliance with the legislation. It represents a best practice system of management for Tamworth Regional Council, whilst complying with legislative requirements, and aims to continue Council’s involvement in educating the community about sustainable on-site sewage management practices within the LGA.

This Strategy will replace the On-Site Sewage Management Strategy formulated by the Tamworth Regional Council in 2014.

Community members can view the draft plan on this page and make comments using our online feedback form.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the public exhibition.

About the draft strategy

The purpose of the Strategy is to ensure that the potential environmental and public health risks associated with the operation of OSSM systems are sustainably managed across the Council LGA.

To achieve this the following objectives have been established:

  • maintain a current and accurate database of OSSM systems;
  • maintain a regular inspection program of a representative sample of all OSSM systems to ensure they comply with legislative requirements. The frequency of inspections will be determined by each system’s risk classification;
  • raise the awareness of property owners using OSSM systems with regard to the correct maintenance and operation of these systems, and the requirements for the replacement of existing systems;
  • develop a partnership approach between Council, householders and service agents to ensure the ongoing effective operation of OSSM systems;
  • consult with Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) service agents in order to achieve uniformity and quality of service reports;
  • ensure that the approval and installation of all new OSSM systems, and system alterations, are completed according to Council’s On-Site Wastewater Management Plan (OWMP). This ensures provision is made for installation of the most appropriate and sustainable types of OSSM systems, and that the impacts of such systems on the environment and public health will be minimal;
  • maintain links between this Strategy and Council’s Annual Operational Plan and other policies and strategies within Council to ensure relevance; and
  • ensure that all Council staff involved in the assessment and inspections of existing OSSM systems are aware of the purpose and objectives of this Strategy and are suitably trained to implement the Strategy appropriately.