
Two of our key land use planning instruments, the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (TRLEP 2010) and the Tamworth Regional Development Control Plan 2010 (TRDCP 2010) are undergoing a major review.

The two plans work together to set the rules for development within the Tamworth Regional Local Government area.

The TRLEP 2010 makes clear what landowners are allowed to do on their land while the TRDCP 2010 sits underneath it and gives detailed guidelines on how to undertake development on their land.

Council undertakes reviews of these important plans regularly to ensure that the region’s planning controls remain in-step with our community’s expectations for the way development takes place while supporting growth consistent with our Blueprint 100 strategy.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the public exhibition.

TRLEP 2010

The TRLEP 2010 provides the rules within the Tamworth Local Government Area for the way land can be developed and used.

It confirms:

  • The zoning of land (e.g., residential, rural, commercial, industrial, etc.);
  • What development can (Permissible) and cannot (Prohibited) be undertaken in each zone;
  • Minimum lot sizes for subdivision;
  • Dwelling entitlement requirements for rural land (e.g., minimum area, subdivision history);
  • Heritage items; and
  • Important standards for development, such as floor space ratio and construction near important infrastructure (e.g., airport, landfill).


An important component of TRLEP 2010 was community engagement, including consultation with property owners and a community-wide EOI process in 2022. As a result of this process, a large number of potential amendments to the TRLEP 2010 have been identified, some of which require further planning studies, either by Council or a property owner. To balance the timely completion of amendments to the TRLEP 2010 with the timeframes to undertake further planning studies, it is proposed to complete the comprehensive review of the TRLEP 2010 in phases.

Item No.



Review of Heritage Items (Schedule 5) of the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010.


New Heritage Conservation Areas under Schedule 5 of the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010:

- Darling Street Civic precinct;

- East Tamworth; and

- West Tamworth.


Bridge Street Precinct - Amend the Floor Space Ratio, amend Subdivision Provisions and apply Design Excellence Controls.


Review of Land Use Permissibility within existing Land Use Zones.


Amend existing Clauses of the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010.


Adopt Clause 5.9 Dwelling house or secondary dwelling affected by natural disaster of the Standard Instrument.


Adopt Clause 5.13 Eco-tourist Facilities of the Standard Instrument.


Insert a new ‘Essential Services’ Clause.


Insert a new ‘Minimum Building Street Frontage” Clause.


Housekeeping Amendments.


Expressions of Interest (Round 1).

For more information on the proposed amendments to the TRLEP 2010, all the documents can be viewed on the NSW Planning Portal. The primary document which explains the proposed amendments (Planning Proposal - Phase 1 LEP Review - Public Exhibition) can be found under the Proposal for Public Exhibition heading on the NSW Planning Portal

TRLEP Review Phase

Outcomes of Review


Phase 2

• Review rural zones and minimum lot sizes – Rural Lands Strategy to be completed;

• Review residential zones and minimum lot sizes – Local Housing Strategy to be completed;

• Review planning controls for Villages;

• Heritage Review (Round 2), including new local items and de-listings;

• Review buffer zones around Council infrastructure;

• Expressions of Interest (Round 2) – Strategic or site-specific planning studies to be completed; and,

• Review planning controls for the Tamworth Central Business District.

End of 2024

Phase 3

• Reclassification of community and operational land.


Phase 4

• Any outstanding or deferred matter.

To be determined

You can provide feedback here before Friday 5 July, 2024.

Where can I find the current LEP provisions for my land?

Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan review

Phase 1 Planning Proposal 2024

TRDCP 2010