
Most residents of the Tamworth community enjoy the lifestyle of living in or near a regional city. Council are always aiming to improve this experience. Spending time in nature with our four legged family members is one of these experiences we want to make enjoyable. Tell us what you think could add to your experience.

Quick Poll

What current leash free dog areas do you predominately use?

We would like to understand where people like to go. If you would like to see where the parks are please view the locations in the document library

This poll has concluded.

  • Chauvel Park
    5% (9 votes)
  • Jewry Park
    15% (25 votes)
  • Oxley Dog Training Area
    6% (10 votes)
  • Powerhouse Park
    69% (118 votes)
  • Western Levy-Lock Lane
    6% (10 votes)
Total Votes: 172

Rank what would improve your dog experience in Powerhouse Park

Powerhouse Park is the predominant park that is used by the community, share your thoughts on this particular park. Drag and drop items in list of order - (top being your highest priority)
  1. lighting #
  2. seating #
  3. fences #
  4. shade #
  5. additional water bowls/taps #
  6. turf #
  7. play - agile equipment #
  8. yard - additional yard separating small & large dogs #
  9. signage - disease warning, pick up waste, community notice board #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Your thoughts on what can improve the over all dog experience

Drag and drop in order of highest priority to lowest
  1. lighting #
  2. improve fencing #
  3. separated areas for small and large dogs #
  4. more water drinking facilities #
  5. seating #
  6. shade structures #
  7. improved signage #
  8. more dog events (educational and social) #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.