
Progress report to Council

14 June 2022

Tamworth Regional Councillors have tonight determined to write to the NSW Member for Tamworth, Member for Tamworth, Kevin Anderson MP, seeking his assistance in securing additional funding from the NSW State Government for the construction of the Tamworth Organics Recycling Facility.

The decision was made after considering a detailed progress report about the project which included a preconstruction timeline, modification to the development application, the appointment of an external specialist as project manager, work to provide the electricity required to the facility and engagement of a consultant to complete baseline environmental monitoring.

The new facility is approved to be built on Council-owned land on Gidley Appleby Road, for which Council secured $3 million from the NSW Environmental Trust (the NSW Waste Less Recycle More Initiative Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Grants Program).

The facility will allow the Tamworth region to operate more sustainably when it comes to food waste with the capacity to process up to 35,000 tonnes of food organics, garden organics and category 3 organic materials. A tunnel composting system technology in an enclosed facility will process the organics into soil products suitable for use in landscaping and agricultural production.

Under the NSW Government’s NSW Waste and Sustainable Material Strategy 2041, organic material will not be permitted to go to landfills after 2030.