
Project update - January 2021

5 January 2021

Council reviewed the proposed Tamworth Organic Recycling Facility project at its meeting, held 1 December 2020.

In relation to the report “Organic Recycling Facility Expression of Interest Outcomes and Request to Prepare and Release a Select Tender”, Council resolved the following:

  1. agree to hold the Environment Protection License for the facility regardless of delivery and operating model;
  2. not pursue a delivery model for the project that includes an alliance or partnership type approach;
  3. prepare tender documents, which allow a range of delivery models to be tendered as detailed in the body of the report; and
  4. request tenders based on the documents in (3) above from the following companies, selected as a result of the Expression of Interest E009/2021:
    • Suez (ABN 18 002 658 255);
    • JR Richards (ABN 86 000 389 793);
    • Kingston (ABN 61 124 250 335);
    • Re-Group (ABN 84 166 255 947); and
    • Remondis (ABN 95 002 429 781).

Council has engaged consultants to prepare the required tender and contract documents. Tender release is expected to occur by the end of January 2021 or early February 2021.