
How to make a submission...

16 October 2019

Any person may make a written submission concerning the development application during the exhibition period 30 September - 28 October 2019. Should you decide to make a submission, it is important to note that:

  • Your submission must be received in writing during the exhibition period specified by this notice. Submissions should be posted to Tamworth Regional Council, PO Box 555 Tamworth 2340 or made online through Council’s Online Development Hub;
  • Submissions that do not contain the author’s name and address will not be considered because we are unable to validate their authenticity;
  • If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of that objection must be specified;
  • You may request that your name and address not be disclosed (by stating prominently “OBJECTION IN CONFIDENCE” on your submission) for reason that disclosure would result in detriment to you. However, Council may be obliged to release your correspondence excluding your personal information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 even if these words are used;
  • Submissions concerning the development will be provided to members of the Northern Region Joint Regional Planning Panel; and
  • Submissions must include disclosure of any reportable political contribution or gift made in the previous two years.

The issues raised in your submission will be included in the assessment of the development application, along with the other matters Council must consider.

Plans of the proposal are enclosed for your information. These plans may have been reduced in size, and therefore not to scale. If you wish to view the plans as submitted, you may do so during the exhibition period specified by this notice:-

a) In Council’s Online Development Hub at; or

b) At Council’s Customer Services Centre, Ground Floor, Ray Walsh House, 437 Peel Street, Tamworth between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday; or

b) By contacting the Planner to arrange a time to visit Council.

To make an electronic submission through Council’s Online Development Hub.

You can search for “Development Applications on Exhibition” or via the “Application Tracking” link using the Application ID (DA2020-0138).

Once you have found the application you are looking for, click “Create Submission” (to allow access to the submission page, you may need to allow pop-ups from Council’s web address).

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