
Attunga to move to level 1 water restrictions

19 July 2019

Tamworth Regional Council will be moving Attunga to level 1 water restrictions as of Monday 22 July.

This means:

  • Sprinklers, sprays, microjet sprays and fixed hoses are allowed for two hours only per day, 5pm to 7pm
  • Hand-held hoses can be used between 4pm to 9am
  • No wash-down of hard surfaces unless using a high-pressure cleaner
  • Vehicles can be washed any time if using a high-pressure cleaner
  • Recycled, greywater and rainwater can be used. Rainwater tanks can only be approved by Council and a sign issued if they are stand-alone and not able to be switched to the treated supply
  • Pools can be filled and topped up