
What is a private pool?

8 October 2019

Tamworth Regional Council’s current Drought Management Plan prevents the filling and topping up of private pools under Level 4 and 5 water restrictions. Due to the ongoing drought and extended period of time we have spent and are expected to spend on water restrictions Council has experience and increased number of queries regarding the exact definition of what a private pool is.

At tonight’s council meeting councillors agreed that all swimming pools located in residential homes, complexes, estates, aged care facilities and schools will be considered as private pools under Council’s Drought Management Plan. This means these pools cannot be filled using a town water supply under Level 4 or 5 water restrictions. These pools may be filled and topped up using water sourced from an alternate water supply under Level 3 or below water restrictions.

If owners/operators of these pools are found to filling/topping up their pools using water from the town water supply they will be subject to fines under the Local Government Act 1993, Chapter 16, Part 3, Section 637; Waste or misuse of water.