Proposal Overview

The redevelopment of the Treloar Park Tennis Centre aims to support recreational and high performance tennis for Tamworth and the broader North West region.

Proposed enhancements (subject to all relevant approvals) include;

  • Upgrade 9 courts to championship standard acrylic hard courts (including one show court)
  • Upgrade 4 courts to championship standard synthetic grass, sand-filled courts
  • Fencing and event lighting
  • Spectator viewing areas and sun-safe shelters
  • Upgrade car park lighting to increase safety
  • Upgrade Tennis pavilion and amenities including multi-purpose community meeting rooms and office space, increased storage space and kiosk facilities
  • Landscaping, signage and improved paved walkways
  • Community play space

When complete, the enhancement of the Centre will provide a tennis venue of Regional and State significance, which will stimulate the sport of tennis, increase participation and coaching services, support and attract high-performance pathways for tennis and allow us to host major tennis tournaments.

The project will create jobs both during the redevelopment works and with ongoing management of the Centre plus attracting visitors and bringing economic benefit to our region.

Sports Build were awarded the contract to design and construct the new tennis courts.


The total project funding is $3.75 million and is made up from;

  • $1.4 million grant from the Australian Government under its Building Better Regions Fund
  • $975,000 from West Tamworth League Club
  • $600,000 from the NSW Government under the Regional Sports Facility fund
  • $375,000 plus in-kind works from Tamworth Regional Council and;
  • $400,000 from Tennis NSW


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    March 2020

    Lodge development application

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Early 2021

    Engage design consultant and confirm project funding

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    March 2021

    Start of detailed design

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    End of September 2021

    Completion of preliminary design

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    October 2021

    Start of tender and procurement process

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    November 2021

    End of tender and procurement process

    Sports Build awarded the contract to design and construct.

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    July 2022

    Start of construction

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    April 2024

    End of construction

  • Timeline item 9 - active

    Official opening of new courts and Wests Club House

    Date TBC


Established more than 100 years ago, the Tamworth Tennis Centre now requires significant redevelopment.

There is currently a lack of hard courts within the North West region. Hard court is the preferred surface for both major tennis events and high performance activity.

Currently, besides Sydney Olympic Park there is no venue in NSW that has the capacity to host a national or international ranking tennis event. This project will provide this capability through the proposed development.

Should the redevelopment not proceed, the long term playability and accessibility of the facility is jeopardised, as the current facility is nearing the end of its useable life. Currently, the venue has six of its eleven courts unplayable for competitions and community use.

Refer to image below showing current state of court surfaces.

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Treloar Park Redevelopment Project Manager

Jody Young

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