The proposed Water Sensitive Design measures will require that all new homes and other forms of development incorporate a range of water efficiency measures at the design stage of the proposed development.
Small scale development such as homes and dual occupancies will be eligible for a faster approval process if they meet the development controls which include three out of six Water Sensitive Design Essentials.
The proposed
amendment will update fast track development provisions allowing
for a 10-day approval turnaround for complying residential developments.
Key water sensitive design amendment proposals are:
For example: dwellings will need to comply with three out of six Water Sensitive Design Essentials in order to be fast tracked through the DA process.
The six choices are:
- Water Efficient Appliances
- Rainwater Tank
- Rain Garden
- Greywater Diversion Device
- Greywater Treatment Device
- plumbing for recycled water.
In combination with financial incentives, these controls should increase the uptake of water saving and reuse devices in housing.
Industrial, Commercial and Larger Residential development will need to have a Water Sensitive Design statement that shows how the proposed development will meet the three targets of reduction in the use of potable water, improving stormwater quality and maintaining quantity.
Some of Council’s financial incentives also apply to commercial and industrial development.
Subdivisions of more than 10 lots will need to have a Water Sensitive Design statement that shows how proposed subdivision will meet the targets of stormwater quality and quantity and promote stormwater reuse on public land.
Incorporating these measures into the overall design of a residential estate can ensure better outcomes for private and public land, parks and waterways.
TRC DRAFT Water Sensitive Design measures (Development Control Plan - Amendment No. 14) Industry Webinar
Council staff held a very successful live webinar on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 where a number of people from all different industries were invited to attend.
We are now sharing a recording of the webinar together with the presentation and the Questions & Answers that were either raised prior to the Webinar or during the Webinar.
We wish to bring to your attention that Slide 11 of the recorded version does have a typo however, such typo has been fixed and please refer to the Q&A document or the pdf version of the presentation.
Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on the draft Water Sensitive Design which closed Friday 31 July, 2020.
All feedback will be collated and presented to Council.