In 2021 we shared the proposed plans for the Kootingal Multi-Purpose Centre redevelopment over a 28-day community consultation period. During this time, we received a number of different ideas, concerns, compliments and questions about the proposed plans.
A Councillor Workshop was held on the 29 April 2021 where feedback received during this consultation period was presented for consideration by the Councillors. All Councillors agreed that retaining the integrity and heritage of the Hall is important and that of equal importance, the community also needed a bigger library space to support the growing demand and population. The outcome of the workshop was to change the plans to reflect the Kootingal Library being housed in a purpose-built adjoining section at the rear of the existing Kootingal War Memorial Hall.
After receiving tenders for design and construction of the facility it was made aware that due to significant market volatility in recent months in relation to material costs and subcontractor/consultant contract prices the concept designs may need to be adjusted slightly to better cater for the needs of the community and to best utlise the facility moving forward.
The scope of the project is to open up the interior of the building and refurbish as an open plan flexible floor-space library/community meeting and event area. It includes:
- Demolition of existing external toilet block
- Demolition of the rear of the existing hall to make way for addition of the library structure and shared area (toilets and kitchen)
- Construction of new library including;
- Verandah, stairs and ramp with disabled access to the new library
- Library staff room
- Conference room
- Open library space
- After hours book return
- Construction of 1 accessible and 3 ambulant toilets in a shared area between the hall and library
- Construction of 2 change rooms for the hall
- Refurbishment of the existing hall toilet additional to the 4 shared toilets
- Construction of a storage area for the hall
- Demolition of the old library fit out and 2nd kitchen at the front of the hall and reinstate the area as hall space
- Repairs and refurbishment of the hall flooring throughout
- Construction of a 17-space carpark, including 2 disabled spaces between the hall and the tennis courts
The project goal is to create a cultural hub for Kootingal and surrounding areas with a well situated, accessible library space and flexible floor plan, allowing for lounge seating, makerspace activities, children's literacy groups and community events.
This project has been made possible through numerous funding partners:
- $1,200,000 Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program
- $200,000 State Library Grant
- $627,459 Council contribution
Got a question?
Ask one of our project managers any questions you may have on the Kootingal Library and Hall Redevelopment.