
Next steps for Kootingal Hall and Library redevelopment

14 April 2021

We recently shared the proposed plans for the Kootingal Hall and Library redevelopment over a 28-day community consultation period.

We would like to thank the community for your feedback and engagement over the 28 days. During this time, we received a number of different ideas, concerns and questions about the proposed plans.

We would like to reiterate that these were proposed redevelopment plans. The project team has taken on board all suggestions and concerns received.

While the 28-day community consultation period for the initial proposed plans has ended we will continue to engage with the community to qualify the feedback received during this period.

On Thursday 29 April a Councillor Workshop will be held where your feedback and a series of options for consideration will be presented.

From here our Councillors will identify how they wish for the project team to move forward and we will update this page following the workshop.