
Outcome from the Kootingal Hall and Library redevelopment Councillor Workshop

30 April 2021

We recently shared the proposed plans for the Kootingal Hall and Library redevelopment over a 28-day community consultation period. During this time, we received a number of different ideas, concerns, compliments and questions about the proposed plans.

Last night a Councillor Workshop was held where feedback received during this consultation period was presented for consideration by the Councillors. All Councillors agreed that retaining the integrity and heritage of the Hall is important and that of equal importance, the community also needed a bigger library space to support the growing demand and population.

The outcome of the workshop was to change the plans to reflect the Kootingal Library being housed in a purpose-built adjoining section at the rear of the existing Kootingal War Memorial Hall.

In order however to move forward with the proposed redevelopment, we will now need to seek support and approval re these changes from the relevant government funding bodies.

We will continue to keep you updated on progress of the project via the Kootingal Library and Hall redevelopment. To received automatic updates please follow the project page.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the feedback received to date.