Join us for our business workshop via Bluejeans conferencing on Wednesday 29 July, 11am to discuss how we can help the community rebuild even stronger than we were before the pandemic.

This may be supporting an existing local group or service, a specific project or event which brings the community together. It could also be suggestions about how Council can reduce the overheads required to manage regulatory requirements in today's society.

We are also calling for ideas on how residents and businesses can contribute and help rebuild our social connections and economic strength.


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Fill out the form below and let us know their details. You can register up to three additional people for the one business. How many people are you registering?

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Provide us with your email address so we can contact you in case of a change to the workshop.

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Contact Us

Have questions about the business workshop, please contact us via details below:

Name Jody Young - Communications & Engagement Officer
Phone (02) 6767 5477
In writing

PO Box 555, Tamworth NSW 2340