
Update on future of Niangala and Watsons Creek SVTS

23 May 2022

Council recently proposed to close the unmanned small vehicle transfer stations in Niangala and Watsons Creek. Submissions from the community were unanimously against the closure of the sites. As a result, council staff have been investigating options to keep the two sites open.

On Thursday 19 May Councillors reviewed a proposal from staff outlining the cost implications of keeping the two sites open. These cost implications include an increase to the proposed Domestic Waste Management Base Charge for residential properties in the Regional Remote zone that do not receive a kerbside collection. The current (2021-22) Base Charge is $176.00. The originally proposed 2022-23 Base Charge was $51.00. The newly proposed 2022-23 Base Charge is $150.00. This means these properties will still see a reduction from the current charge.

This increase from the originally proposed Base Charge is needed to cover the operational costs of the two now manned waste disposal facilities plus ongoing capital works that are required to keep these facilities safe for use and environmentally complaint.

Councillors endorsed the proposal and as such, the small vehicle transfer stations in Niangala and Watsons Creek will remain open and the proposed Base Charge has been updated to $150.00. These two sites will now become manned facilities in line with the same level of service provided to other Regional Remote waste facilities in operated by Council.

Council has updated its Annual Operational Plan and Fees and Charges documents to reflect these changes. These documents are currently on public exhibition until the 7 June. You can submit feedback by clicking here.

The proposed Base Charge for properties in the Regional Remote zone who do receive a kerbside collection will remain at $51.00 as originally intended. This is due to these properties being able to dispose of majority of their waste through their kerbside collection service. Council’s kerbside collection contract is the cheapest way of collecting and transporting waste to the Forest Road Waste Management Facility for processing.

Community Information Sessions for Niangala and Watsons Creek

Council is holding two information sessions on Saturday 28 May to discuss this update with residents in the Niangala and Watsons Creek areas.

Niangala Community Information Session - Saturday 28 May, 10am, Niangala Hall

Watsons Creek Community Information Session - Saturday 28 May, 2pm, Watsons Creek Hall

Council staff will provide information on the proposed opening hours of the sites and how they will operate in a manned capacity.