
The Tamworth Regional Development Control Plan 2010 was adopted by Council on 12 October 2010 and became effective from the gazettal of the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP) on 21 January 2011.

The Plan is reviewed regularly and on an as-needs basis, to ensure that the content remains consistent with the objectives adopted by Council in response to consultation with the community and development industry.

The Draft Amendment No. 17 is proposed as a consequence of the 2024 annual review involving a number of recommended changes. The proposed changes relate to:

  • general housekeeping and formatting;
  • parking provisions;
  • general building controls;
  • biodiversity and environmental protection;
  • the Urban heat island effect;
  • resource and waste management plan requirements;
  • water reticulation requirements for Daruka and Tintinhull;
  • flooding controls; and
  • small-scale renewables.

The Development Control Plan does not only guide the development industry but any community member who is looking to undertake a development on their property. So, whether you are looking to build multi-unit housing or simply add a garage where you live, it will have guidelines which apply to your proposal.

To watch the recording of our Development Industry Webinar, click HERE.

Council has identified key ‘Mapped Areas’ within our Local Government Area (LGA) that are directly impacted by either new parking provisions, urban heat island effect controls or water reticulation controls. You can search your property address to determine whether your property is directly impacted. Please click on the Draft DCP Control Layer now available on Council’s public mapping system HERE.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the public exhibition. Draft Amendment No. 17 was adopted at the July 23, 2024 Council meeting. The new version can be found HERE

Contact us

Contact Information
Name Emma Artuso Development Administrator, Development Division
Phone (02) 6767 5555
Email trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au
Website www.tamworth.nsw.gov.au
In writing

The General Manager
PO Box 555, Tamworth NSW 2340

Public exhibition closes 5pm Friday 5 July 2024