As part of the Viaduct Park master plan adopted by Council in May 2020, new additions have been installed at Viaduct Park.

Joining the newly constructed Youth Training Cafe, the following new elements have been constructed:

  1. A 95m pump track extension for scooter and bike enthusiasts
  2. A half-court basketball court with multi-purpose line markings
  3. A climbing wall with soft fall

These projects will allow the park to continue to be a dynamic multi-purpose space and we aim to create an inclusive facility that caters for all ages and abilities.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Construction begins

    Monday 9 May 2022

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Installation of pump track, half-court basketball court and climbing wall complete

    July 2022

Completed additions

Drone image of park

Construction begins on pump track extension and basketball half-court

Climbing Wall Design

A free-climbing wall with soft fall underneath to prevent injuries will be installed next to the skate park.

Climbing wall

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